Lost Focus
Have you ever lost your focus? I certainly have. I could carry on and list my “reasons” for my lack of focus, but they are all crap reasons anyway. I’m not about to continue the pity party. The important thing is I have recognized it and I am taking control and doing something about it.
For the past nine months I have not exercised much, I haven’t written at all, and didn’t do a whole lot of healthy things with my diet. Usually people get into shape for the summer. Oh no, not me, I got out of shape for summer! I would sit down to write and nothing would come to me. I had some great ideas on being healthy, exercising and positive attitudes but I sure as hell wasn’t practicing it so I could not write about it. So I kept doing nothing. Until now! Things are finally becoming clear for me.
A short time ago, I woke up. Not out of bed, but out of my foggy non-focused unhealthy no give a shit lifestyle. I can’t pinpoint a reason for the great awakening, but I am going with it. I have started to get back into exercising on a daily basis. I have implemented the Ketogenic diet and have adapted well. I have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks and am beginning to feel great. I will write more about that in the near future. I have cut down on my alcohol intake and getting a good night’s rest. This has all happened in a matter of a few weeks. I am really excited to see what the coming months bring.
Sounds easy huh? Not so fast. Getting up at 5:30am to work out or not eating that full plate of pasta is not an easy thing to adjust to overnight. It is a day at a time and hopefully as they say in 21 days I will have created a “good” habit. This will be a journey and will take time. There will be stumbles if not flat out fails I am sure. I always remember as long as I get back up I never fail. This post is probably more about being accountable to myself more than helping others. I will say however that if you don’t like what you see in the mirror, or don’t like the ingredients in that boxed food, or wake up feeling tired and plain crappy, then maybe you need to find your focus too.
We all lose our focus or motivation from time to time for different reasons. The important thing is to regain that focus and motivation. Use whatever you can, your physical condition, a loved one, a job, more income, whatever the case may be. It’s just you and me. It’s not easy but we will get there! More to come….