Someone once said, “Hearing is through your ears, but listening is through your mind”. Again, as always a mind and body connection. Hearing for most people is natural unless you were born with a disability of some sort. The body or in this case the ears take in sound constantly throughout the day and night. Listening however is a different story all together. This is where the mind comes in. Listening is a skill that needs to be learned. I am definitely a work in progress with listening. My wife will confirm that.
I find myself hearing all sorts of things all day. Sometimes I choose not to listen while other times I should be listening to what someone has to say and I am either pre-occupied, or “hearing” other things around me. To listen takes focus and concentration. Guys, when your spouse comes in during the game and asks a question, and you look at her with a sill grin, you didn’t listen. Hell maybe you didn’t even hear her. Or when I try to speak to my daughter, I know she hears me but she isn’t listening. Sometimes there are some negative natural consequences when the listening part isn’t done. Something either took twice as long, or quite possibly something was wrecked or ruined. Not listening has it’s consequences for sure.
This hearing versus listening goes way deeper than the people we interact with or the audible words that are spoken. When you truly listen to what is going on around you or the words of someone speaking, you can truly be moved spiritually. I don’t know how many times I have seen a pastor give a sermon and I was hearing the words, and I thought I was listening but my actions when I left the church that day proved otherwise. Then there are the times I’m sitting there and think he is speaking directly to me and the words are burning into my soul. That is the kind of listening I need to do more often.
When I am in nature I hear the birds, the leaves, the cracking of sticks and all the other sounds out there. When I really listen to them I can almost reach a meditative state. I can focus on an individual bird chirping and wonder what he is trying to communicate. There are so many wonderful things in this world to listen to if we would just take the time and concentrate and take them all in.
It seems in this world today we have a tendency to take in all of the negative and the crap. I know I do at times. We hear it often but when you start listening to it, it affects your mood, your outlook, and breeds more negativity. This is the one time to say ok I hear all that is going on negative in this world, but you know what? I choose not to listen to it. I acknowledge it by hearing it but I will not listen to it and be influenced by it. As with anything that influences us, it can be positive or negative. It’s our choice.
So I am choosing to concentrate more and hone my listening skills. I will listen to the good stuff. I’m going to listen to how I can better myself and my family. I am going to listen to God and to nature. I am going to listen to those around me that desire my time and attention. I will listen to what matters. The rest I will just continue to hear.
So are you listening or are you just hearing? Take the time and think about it. I did and it opened my eyes to many opportunities and things I was missing. This is a one way trip through this world. I am going to take in as much as I can….So should you.