
Why the Mind and Body 4 U website? After being an athlete in my younger years, I spent time in some dark places physically and mentally with negative thinking, terrible nutrition and bad habits. I was able to shift my thinking and wellness with the help of great people in my life. Because every day can be a challenge, I not only want to make myself accountable for my goals and aspirations, I want to hopefully learn from others, possibly inspire others and pay it forward. Mind and Body 4 U is about sharing your goals, positive thinking, physical wellness and leaving old habits behind.

In Mind and Body 4 U, you will find that daily inspiration to stick to that eating plan, to exercise, to get thru a tough day at work or even to just get out of bed. This is the place to shift your thinking towards the positive, share goals, stories of inspiration, work out tips, nutrition tips, recipes, funnies, and anything positive we find on the web. My hope is to be inspired and inspire others. Enjoy.



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