So you can’t change the world huh?

How many times have you said, “I can’t change the world, I wish I could.” I’m here to tell you that you can change the world and you do it every day whether you realize it or not.

From the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed, you make an impact on people, things and the world in general. It is your choice either consciously or unconsciously whether that impact is positive or negative. When you woke up this morning, how did you greet your family? Where you upbeat and in a good mood or were you tired, moody or grumpy? From the first minute you are not only affecting yourself and those people around you but how those people approach their day as well, thus affecting their impact on the world. Every interaction you have with someone has an impact in some way. Do you greet your kids or spouse with an upbeat attitude and encourage a wonderful day or are you rushed, in a hurry and just want to get the task of getting ready for the day done being crabby and setting a negative tone for the day? That tone for the day will carry over into your children and spouse’s day and it will in turn have an effect on not only them but the other people they are in contact with. Make a conscience effort to make those first moments positive. You will change the world.

How are your first moments at work? Are you excited to be there? If you dread going to work, or don’t look at some part of your job as enjoyable, I would encourage you to find something else to do that makes you happy. If you are not happy and do not enjoy what you do, you will naturally have a negative impact on your fellow employees, your customers and anyone else around you. You are impacting the world in a negative way. If your heart isn’t in it, you will not be 100% into your job and short changing a customer or your company and in turn impacting them negatively because their needs are not being met. You have just changed the world in a negative way. Be upbeat enjoy what you do whether you are a CEO or a street sweeper. Be the best at what you do with a positive attitude and you alone will make a difference. There is no insignificant job in this world. Set a higher standard for yourself no matter the task and you will make a positive impact on the world.

You alone have the power to change the world by first changing yourself. Do you worry about the environment? Then start to recycle at home. Do you think people are addicted to technology and lack quality time with their family? Then put your smart phone down, enjoy some quality communication. Maybe you feel people in the world are not taking care of themselves and health issues are at an all-time high. Start an exercise program; invite your friends and family to participate. These are just some examples of ways in which you may want to change the world but don’t think you can. Tell your friends and family what YOU are doing not what to do. You may be surprised at how many will follow your lead and be inspired by your dedication and will soon follow in your footsteps.  As the saying goes don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk. Lead by example. You may surprise yourself when you find out you can change the world every day of your life. It is up to you and you only whether you do it in a positive way or a negative way. Go change the world in a positive way!



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